Friday, March 1, 2013

No Angel, Thanks!

"Yet to all who received him (Jesus), to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God." ~John

I have been called an angel several times. It just didn't sit well with my spirit for some reason. It was only a compliment and I've learned how to accept those so what was it about being called an angel that caused my spirit to shrink back? Maybe because Satan is an angel and not all of them are good? Perhaps. They were created about five days before us so maybe... Wait! My spirit hopped. That's it! They're entirely different creations! They are servants. I'm a child!

So now when someone calls me an angel, I laugh and say, "Oooh no! They're whole different creations... I'm a child of God! Thank you though, for the wonderful compliment. My Father will be pleased."

Today, I'm praying for all us kids!

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