Friday, May 24, 2013

Comforting Grief

"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." ~David

When someone I know and love passes through the thin veil of this reality and into the eternal, it always weighs heavily on me. My mourning often consists of chastising myself with "I should have done this, said that, shown more." Before I know it, I'm swirling around in the muddy puddle of self-recrimination. It's always depressing to dwell on ones' own shortcomings. It's also selfish and unproductive. Family members, friends and people in general are not comforted by what I should have done. They are not even comforted by what I did do. In fact, when people are mourning, they don't want to hear about me at all! Sheesh!

The Lord is used to my self-inflicted pity parties. He quietly and sternly guides my spirit back to the comfort that Jesus provides in the Bible. He doesn't berate me but reminds me that the good works I do have been prepared for me to do since before the earth was formed. None of them will be left undone. They're laid out before God already and no amount of wishful thinking is going to alter eternity one iota. He wipes my tears with the reminder that the death of one of his children is precious in His sight. He gets to show them His glory. What a day of rejoicing for them! My joy is restored by thoughts of  them walking on the streets of gold beside the crystal sea with love himself.

"Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you." ~David 

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