"He (the Lord) does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities." ~David
"Mom, there's a woman sitting in our driveway. She looks hurt." My teenage son was staring out the window, his face reflecting uncertainty and disbelief. "Who is it?" I asked while heading for the door. "I don't know" he squinted, "There's no car."
Her shirt was covered in blood and she was still bleeding from a gash on her head. A cast on her leg showed signs of having been dragged through the forest. "What do you want me to do?" I asked, "Call the police? An ambulance? What? Who did this to you?" Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled with tears. "Can I get a washcloth? I'm so embarassed." She sobbed. I held her close and helped her inside. "Who did this to you?!" I repeated. "My husband," She wailed from a heart in the depth of despair. My tears joined hers but mine were angry ones.
I brought her in the house and talked to her for over an hour while we cleaned her wounds. We sipped glasses of wine, prayed and cried. I gave her a new shirt and threw away her bloodstained one. My husband joined the conversation. He and I pleaded with her to let us do something. We both felt helpless. She did let me take pictures just in case something really bad happens to her. She also let me drive her home but she wouldn't let me in the door. Love your neighbor as yourself kept replaying in my head. I may not have been able to do anything but I knew someone that could! I began to pray vehemently and watch to see how the Lord would answer.
If I pray for vengence or out of anger, I trust that God will be just in his dealings with the target of my fury. Knowing that whatever happened to this man would affect his wife, I was curious just how God was going to deal with him. Personally, I thought a broken leg would've been appropriate or some other physical malady. You know, slip in the shower or something... Muah, ha, ha... God is so much kinder than I am. For that, I am eternally grateful!
Vengence came in the form of a tree. A huge tree fell and took out his shed with his mower inside. It tore through the roof of his garage and damaged his prize possession. Insurance called it "An act of God". Indeed. I found I was relieved that no one was hurt. I was also relieved that I serve a God that doesn't treat me the way others think I should be treated. I pray for this couple several times a day. I don't know just how or what to pray for for them so I trust the Spirit to lead me. He knows everything.
Today, I am praying for the silent sufferers of abuse. Give them courage, Lord.
"Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord." Romans 12:19
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