Friday, April 26, 2013

Pulling a Weed

"Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy?" ~Solomon

I've often looked at this verse from the viewpoint of the recipient of anger, fury and jealousy. It warns me that an angry person is cruel and a furious person is overwhelming. I've been the object of jealousy though, and indeed, I would rather have an angry or furious person in front of me. At least there is hope of making peace with them. A jealous person works to tear you down in secret. They magnify faults and dish out gossip like choice morsels. A friend can get angry or even furious at you and it is worked through and dissipates. Apologies are given and received. Some cruel things may have been said and the anger may have escalated into fury and been overwhelming for a time, but all is forgiven. Not forgotten, mind you... but forgiven!

Jealousy just sucks the joy right out of the relationships it takes root in. It's a hardy, bitter weed that sprouts up quick and grows deep roots. A lot of times, you don't even know that it's growing. When I find myself getting jealous, it's a nudge that my meditations have shifted off course. Instead of an attitude of gratitude for all that I'm blessed with, my attitude becomes one of wishful thinking. Rejoicing with friends is replaced by a "poor me" countenance. My spirit grows heavy and if the Holy Spirit could get tired, he'd be weary of my selfish groaning. It's such a relief to confess it and be forgiven! Then to redirect the thoughts to whatever is good, holy, just, and praiseworthy in my life and to share the joy that others have in the blessings they receive.

"The kisses of an enemy may be profuse, but faithful are the wounds of a friend." ~Solomon 

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