Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Weighing Motives

"All a man's ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the Lord." ~Solomon

Time and time again the Spirit has asked me to do a motive check. The questions arise whether I am doing "the right thing" for people to see, for the reward, or to please God. The first time I prayed about this was after I heard about a young man who had done everything right. He had read his Bible every day, prayed and kept himself pure for his future wife. He had married a beautiful woman from his youth group and had a couple healthy children. He stopped reading the Bible, going to church and praying and settled into his rewards when his life began to unravel. He lost his job and his wife left him. He became embittered towards anything that had to do with God. After all, he reasoned, he had done everything right and look where it got him. His motive had been the rewards.

It reminded me of the parable of the prodigal son. I've always read that parable from the view of the son who comes home to a joyful father. I've pictured the reunion, back-slapping and embracing and the hubbub of the household as it prepared a feast to celebrate the return of a humbled member. Maybe because I like a good party... But anyway, my attention was taken to the attitude of the heir to the estate. He had done everything right and look where it had gotten him. His father had never thrown HIM a party. I have to admit, I've felt that way before! Motive check.

One thing I find in common with these two is that neither one of them were thankful for what they WERE given. They were so focused on the rewards that they forgot the one who rewarded them to begin with. Today, I'm going to thank God for every blessing he's showers on me and I'm going to celebrate every blessing he showers on everyone I know with them!

"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn." ~Paul

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