Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Back to Basics

"Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love." ~Jesus

There are times when I have to be reminded to go back to the basics. The past few weeks have been one of those times. I've been struggling with self control again and didn't want to admit it. I've been reminded of how important God's grace is in my life and how he even uses my failures to mold me into the image he has of me. The perfected me. The me that's abiding in eternity. I'm also reminded that I reap what I sow and this past year, I'm ashamed to say, I've been praying a lot for crop failure!

The sad part is that this spiritual lethargy was self inflicted. My sin had separated me from the love that God has for me. I'd spent days focusing on ways to combat desire only to fail again and again before I realized that I had left my first love. Ways to serve others for Jesus hadn't occupied my thoughts at all. My thoughts were monopolized by guilt and anticipated failure. It was time to put the helmet of salvation back on and repent of my stinkin' thinkin'. Time to fall in love with my savior again. I consumed the book of John with an acute sense of God's presence. How could anyone not love this man? *Sigh*... Then on to the "Song of Solomon"!

"Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first." ~Jesus

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